Skin bleaching: Contempt, hatred, fear

Key information

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Russell Square: College Buildings
Kamran Djam Lecture Theatre (DLT)

About this event

Shirley Anne Tate, Leeds

Branding skin lightening ‘anti-Black spectacle’ undermines its decolonization of colourism. Through lightening the Black woman’s body becomes the Sable-Saffron Venus alter/native of normative beauty based on white/ light-skin and reveals the colourism of the Black Atlantic. The lightened body refuses the white or light ideal in favor of the in-between space of ‘browning’, a Black Jamaican aesthetic ideal. It also shows the white/light-skinned ideal’s tenacity in the racialized aesthetic space of the UK/US. The discussion looks at the ‘racial grammar’ (Bonilla-Silva, 2012) of skin lightening. Colourism and anti-Black racism in the UK/US and Jamaica moves the discussion to skin lightening and global capital. Saffron-Sable Venus alter/natives emerge through the ‘race’ performativity of skin lightening as a Black mask that defies racialized domination by revealing  colourism.

Organiser: Dr Gina Heathcote

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