Call for papers: Flows and currents in South East Asia

Key information
- Date
- Venue
- SOAS University of London
About this event
The organisers of the 2025 South East Asia Seminar Series, hosted by the School of Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics at SOAS University of London are pleased to announce a call for papers for the upcoming graduate student conference Flows and Currents in South East Asia, to be held on 4 July 2025 at SOAS University of London.
This conference seeks to explore the complex and thriving flows that shape South East Asia, from its literary traditions to its sociopolitical landscapes.
Theme and scope
The theme, Flows and Currents in South East Asia, invites interdisciplinary engagement with South East Asia's vibrant cultural, intellectual, and material currents. Drawing inspiration from Chen Kuan-hsing’s influential Asia as Method, the conference emphasises the importance of inter-referencing within and beyond South East Asia. As Chen writes, “through imaginings of a new Asia... diverse frames of reference cross our horizon, multiply our perspectives, and enrich our subjectivity” (2010: 255).
By encompassing inter-referencing, this conference seeks to explore how regional and transregional interactions generate fresh insights into South East Asia’s literature, cultures, and histories. These dialogues challenge static knowledge frameworks, fostering decolonial practices and enriching intellectual imaginaries. The conference encourages critical approaches to how South East Asia engages with itself and the broader world.
We welcome proposals across, but not limited to, the following areas:
- Literary writing: Investigations into regional literature, narrative traditions, and creative expressions.
- Book and print culture: Studies on publishing, circulation, and the history of manuscripts and printed materials.
- Anthropological studies: Ethnographic research and critical cultural inquiries.
- Political economy and theory: Analyses of governance, economy, and theoretical perspectives in a regional and global context.
- Media and popular culture: Critical studies on film, television, music, digital platforms, and other cultural phenomena.
- Languages and linguistics: Explorations of linguistic diversity, language policies, and sociolinguistic phenomena.
Submission details
Please submit a 250-word abstract detailing your proposed presentation and a 100-word biographical note via the online form. Proposals should reflect original research or critical insights that resonate with the conference theme.
Submission timeline
- Opening of call for papers: 6 January 2025
- Deadline for Submissions: 4 April 2025
- Notification of Acceptance: May 2025
Conference details
The conference will be held exclusively as an in-person event and registration is free of charge. The conference is primarily aimed at PhD students and early career researchers with a focus on South East Asia.
Preference will be given to presenters who can participate physically at SOAS University of London. Online participation will only be considered in specific cases and at the discretion of the organisers. Please note that we are unable to provide funding for travel allowances or accommodation.
Enquiries can be directed to Fauzan Roslee (704720@soas.ac.uk) and Leif Garinto (lg37@soas.ac.uk).
We hope that you can join us in exploring the currents that shape South East Asia and engage with a vibrant community of scholars and thinkers in SOAS and beyond.
Header image credit: Sea by Alexandra Diaconu via Unsplash