A gendered analysis of aggression and international law: Examining Gaza and Ukraine

Key information

5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
SOAS, 10 Thornhaugh St, Bloomsbury WC1E 0XG
Khalili Lecture Theatre
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About this event

Now more than ever, the international community needs a universal definition of the crime of aggression through a gendered lens  

Join a panel of experts for this 'fireside chat' discussing this new report authored by Professor Christine Chinkin and Dr Louise Arimatsu, considering how to adopt a feminist approach to the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine and their consequences for the international law of war and peace. 

Image credit: GarryKillian via Freepik


Attendance is free, but you do need to register your place. Doors open at 5pm, with light refreshments and hors d'oeuvres provided.