International Security (Online Module)

Key information

Module overview

Issues of security and insecurity are central to international relations, as the terrorist attacks of ‘911’ and the Iraq War of 2003 underline. This module affords students with the analytical tools to think critically and independently about the nature of contemporary international security, focusing on developments since the end of the Cold War. Further, the module provides students with a thorough grounding in the theory and practice of international security in the contemporary era. It examines the main theoretical and conceptual approaches to the study, before considering a range of contemporary security issues including: the emergence of a zone of stable peace in Europe; 'New Wars' in the South; terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; the Iraq War and the future of the Middle East; and the prospects for peace and security in the Twenty-First Century.

All modules are subject to availability and are subject to change from session to session.

Suggested reading

Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, Steve Smith eds., International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity (Oxford University Press, 2006).
Lawrence Freedman ed., War (Oxford University Press, 1994).


Important notice regarding changes to programmes and modules