Management and Society

Key information

Start date
End date
Year of study
Year 1
Term 2
Module code
FHEQ Level
School of Finance and Management

Module overview

From an interdisciplinary perspective, module confronts the relationship between business and society, their impact one another, and how they manage that impact. Module  explores changing nature of their relationship  in global and historical contexts.

Some of the discussions may include: How does business and management influence our society? Theorists argue that our society is becoming like Starbucks or like MacDonalds, Ritzer argued about MacDonaldisation  and later Starbuckisation  of the Society. Further, module will also give some historical perspective on globalisation, and discuss who profits the most and why is that so? How do gender, race, class, disability and sexuality affect workers and their relationship with their employers? These issues and many mere will be explored within the module.

The module also  includes, but it is not limitesdto various contemporary issues such as environmental management and climate change, technological 'disruption', and political economy and the way it shapes and informs the relationship between business and society.

In this module students discuss a wide range of theoretical perspectives which allows them to compare, contrast and critique. It will also build skills of argumentation and synthesis, as well as application through the use of real world scenarios.

Objectives and learning outcomes of the module

At the end of this course students should be able to:

  • Understand and communicate contemporary issues confronting international businesses and its relationship to the society
  • Analyse and present the complex ethical, ecological and social responsibilities of management and the various organisational challenges in dealing with them
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of the impact of globalisation on international businesses
  • Understand and evaluate the links between contemporary management decisions and the way it shapes up the social contexts, local, regional and global societies
  • Evaluate and apply key concepts and theories learned.


Important notice regarding changes to programmes and modules