Directed Readings in Urdu

Key information

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Module code
FHEQ Level
South Asia Section

Module overview

The module is intended to allow students to read and discuss an Urdu text or text genre in addition to the materials covered in the syllabus. The module will allow students to develop specialisations in accordance with their own academic interests. At the end of the module students are expected to have acquired a sufficient familiarity with the text or text genre in question that would allow them to continue work on the special topic independently.


At least two years or three units of Urdu modules.


A total of 10 weeks teaching with 1 hour contact per week.

Method of assessment

  • One essay or annotated translation (1500 words) to be submitted in Term 2, week 1, day 5 (40%)
  • One essay (1500 words) to be submitted in Term 3, week 1, day 5 (60%)

Suggested reading

A comprehensive reading list for this module will be supplied by the convenor at the beginning of the module.


Important notice regarding changes to programmes and modules