Corporate governance

Key information

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FHEQ Level
School of Finance and Management

Module overview

This course analyses legal/political/economic features of major corporate governance systems found around the world. It examines how corporate governance systems influence performance, including both the performance of individual firms and the allocation of capital within a country. It investigates the evolution of diverse ownership and governance structures across different economies.

To provide more practical guidance to students, the course compares corporate governance systems in various major economies (both advanced and developing/transition economies), examining how systems do work and how they might work better. It introduces emerging Corporate Governance Guidelines and Codes of Best Practice in different countries. It analyses such practical questions as: How should boards of directors and executive teams be composed? How should executives and board of directors be remunerated given the legal, political and economic framework in the country? How do CEOs decide about the mix of debt and equity finance and how does the mix affect their discretion and control over cash flow?

Objectives and learning outcomes of the module

The perspectives and analyzes listed above are of vital to various professional groups, such as investment bankers, corporate lawyers,venture capitalists, and business consultants, thus contributing to the future career development of the students.


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