Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Global Finance Journal on “Sustainable Finance for Asia’s Net Zero Transition” co-edited by Professor Ulrich Volz

About the special issue
The special issue of the Global Finance Journal "Sustainable Finance for Asia’s Net Zero Transition" is seeking theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented papers that address the issue of sustainable finance for Asia’s transition to net zero carbon emissions.
About $125 trillion in investment will be needed to achieve net zero carbon emissions globally by 2050 and fight climate change, according to the 26th Congress of the Parties (COP26) climate change conference and Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero. Asia’s relatively large global share of carbon emissions, and the net zero transition finance required, highlight the need for urgent action by policy makers in the region.
Financing challenges and limited fiscal capacity, however, mean that measures for boosting the mobilization of private capital should be prioritized. To tap the region’s transition financing opportunities, it is critical for domestic and global financial institutions to have a better understanding of risk-adjusted returns, risk mitigation measures, and transition-related criteria for shifting their portfolios to net zero investments. Public policy can play an important role in bridging this information gap and help to incentivize the mobilization of private capital at scale.
This special issue of Global Finance Journal is seeking theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented papers that address the issue of sustainable finance for Asia’s transition to net zero carbon emissions. Successful manuscripts will be fully developed papers that demonstrate a significant contribution to the literature, an innovative and sound methodological approach, with robust findings and policy implications. The following are some select, non-comprehensive examples of possible research questions:
- Measuring transition-related financial risks and risk mitigation policy design
- Transition finance-related criteria and frameworks
- Transition finance, “de-risking”, credit enhancement, and insurance markets
- Modeling net zero transition
- Corporate disclosure on emissions, transition paths, and the carbon-offset market
- Carbon-pricing and financial stability
- Incentivizing firm investment in carbon emission reduction
- Role of public banks in scaling sustainable finance
- Public-private partnership and climate finance
- Green monetary and macroprudential policies
- Inclusive green finance and just transition finance
- Evaluating blended finance instruments and mechanisms
- Green investment and sustainability-linked bonds
- Financing renewable energy and energy infrastructure development
- Green financial technology (fintech) and environmental sustainability
- Addressing problems with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment, ratings, and greenwashing
- Determinants of the “green” cost of capital
- Achieving net zero emissions and managing indebtedness
Guest editors
- John Beirne, Asian Development Bank
- Mari Sakudo, University of Tsukuba
- Ulrich Volz, SOAS University of London
Manuscript submission information
Interested authors should submit through the journal’s submissions portal and select article type "VSI: Sustainable Finance Asia"
Authors can designate the submission for the Special Issue on “Sustainable Finance for Asia’s Net Zero Transition” in the cover letter.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Submission Deadline
28 February 2025 (Early submissions are encouraged.)
Header Image Credit: celina sakaguchi via Unsplash.