
Jaina Studies courses at SOAS
- 1999: Jaina Academy £15,000
PhD Scholarship in Jain studies
- 2015: BC Mehta Trust, Bipin and Rekah Shah Living Trust and Mr and Mrs Ramesh Parmar approximately £45,000 total
- 2020: Kanji Swami Community approximately £39,000
MA Scholarship in Jain Studies
- 2004: Jain Spirit Ltd. £5000
- 2006: Jain Spirit £5000
- 2007: Jain Spirit £5000
- 2020: American Friends of SOAS John Loiello Scholarship approximately £19,000
Philantropically funded research
- 2015:Dilip Mehta for the Exploration of the Jain Heritage in Pakistan Research project £5,000
Undergraduate Essay Prize in Jain Studies and Dissertation Prize in Jain Studies
- 2004 Institute of Jainology £1000
- 2005 Institute of Jainology £1000
- 2006 NK Sethia & Institute of Jainology £5000
- 2012 NK Sethia & Institute of Jainology £1000
Paul Thieme Lectureship in Prakrit
- 2010 Dr Sohnen-Thieme £3500
- 2011 Dr Shamil Chandaria in the name of his parents Anil and Lata Chandaria £3500
- 2011 International Summer School for Jain Studies (ISJS) $500
- 2012 Jivdaya Foundation (Dallas) $4000
- 2012 Unnamed Sponsors £1000
- 2013 Jain Samaj Manchester £251
- 2013 National Council of Vanik Associations (UK) £251
- 2013 Unnamed Sponsors (£451)
- 2013 Dushyant Mehta £500
- 2013 Unnamed Sponsor (£800)
- 2015 Dr Shamil Chandaria in the name of his parents Anil and Lata Chandaria £3500
- 2016 Crowd Funding (SOAS Student Adrian Plau) £3701
- 2017: Crowdfunding (SOAS Students) £3800
- 2018: Digambara Jaina Mahasabha and Donations by unnamed Sponsors £3500
- 2019: Crowdfunding (SOAS Prakrit Students) £2600
Annual Jaina Studies Workshop
- 2007 The Swedish Research Council, Lund University/ Olle Qvarnström £2532
- 2007 V&A Jaina Art Fund £1000
- 2008 The Swedish Research Council, Lund University/ Olle Qvarnström £2532
- 2008 Unnamed Sponsors £1891
- 2008 V&A Jaina Art Fund £1000
- 2009 The Swedish Research Council, Lund University/ Olle Qvarnström £2532
- 2009 V&A Jaina Art Fund £1000
- 2010 The Swedish Research Council, Lund University/ Olle Qvarnström; Oscar och Signe Krooks Stiftelse; The Lars Hierta Memorial Foundation £3500
- 2010 Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles $1500
- 2010 V&A Jaina Art Fund £1000
- 2010 International School for Jaina Studies (ISJS) $1000
- 2010 Unnamed Sponsors £601
- 2011 V&A Jaina Art Fund £1000
- 2012 Dancing Star Foundation $5000
- 2012 Jivdaya Foundation $6500
- 2013 Jivdaya Foundation $7000
- 2013 University of Ghent Euros 1500
- 2013 University of Lille Euros 500
- 2013 Unnamed Sponsors £300
- 2013 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/ Max Weber Kolleg University of Erfurt/ Jörg Rüpke Euros 1000
- 2014 Jivdaya Foundation $2000
- 2014 V&A Jaina Art Fund £1000
- 2014 GyanSagar Foundation (Delhi) £1000
- 2014 Unnamed Sponsors £551
- 2015 V&A Jaina Art Fund £1000
- 2015 Jivdaya Foundation $2000
- 2015 GyanSagar Foundation (Delhi) £1000
- 2015 JVB £500
- 2015 Unnamed Sponsors £241
- 2016 V&A Jaina Art Fund £1000
- 2016 Gyansagar Foundation (Delhi) £3488
- 2016 Shamil Chandaria £3500
- 2016 Jivdaya Foundation $2000
- 2016 Unnamed Sponsors £400
- 2017 Jivdaya Foundation $2000
- 2017 V&A Jaina Art Fund £1000
- 2017 Atul Shah & Family £771
- 2018 Jivdaya Foundation $2000
- 2018 Shravanabelagola Matha £550
- 2018 JVB £500
- 2019: Jivdaya Foundation $2000
- 2020: Jivdaya Foundation $2000
Jaina Studies – Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies
- 2015 GyanSagar Foundation (Delhi) £1500
- 2016 GyanSagar Foundation (Delhi) £1500
- 2017 GyanSagar Foundation (Delhi) £1500
- 2018 GyanSagar Foundation (Delhi) £1500
- 2019: GyanSagar Foundation (Delhi) £1500
- 2020: Arham Yoga (Delhi) £1500
- 2021: Arham Yoga (Delhi) £1500