Sofia Tsourlaki

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BA (The Open University UK), MA (SOAS)
Thesis title
The Mechanisms and Extent to Which Progressive Islamic ideas, via Social Media, Shape the Identity of British Muslims and the Different Forms of Islam in the UK.


Currently a PhD researcher at SOAS University of London, in the department of religions, Sofia holds an MA in Near and Middle Eastern Studies and a BA (Hons) in Ancient and Modern History.

Her PhD research topic focuses on the impact Progressive Muslim Scholars’ ideas have on young Muslims and the role that social media play in this. Reaching beyond the dry observation of religion as presented in the internet in general, and the social media more specifically, she attempts to examine the impact of this in the young Muslims of the UK. Are young Muslims being affected by the presence of progressive ideas online? How do they react in unconventional hermeneutics of the Qur’an and Hadith? Is their religious identity being shaped by such ideals? If yes, do they realise the impact of the information they come across the internet has on their mentality as Muslims?

On a wider aspect, Sofia is particularly interested in the many aspects of digitalization of religion, the role of social media in the shaping of religious identity and the ways of dissemination and impact of Progressive Islam. Sofia, wrote her dissertation in 2019 on the module Modern Trends in Islam, which she then published in 2020, in the journal Contemporary Islam. Along carrying her PhD, Sofia participates in conferences related to technology and religion in Europe and the USA. Her latest article (awaiting publication) examines the causes that allowed the employment of Artificial Intelligence in the issuance of fatwa, and the impact that this will have on Islam.

Research interests

  • Islam, Social Media
  • Progressive Islam
  • Mediatisation of Religion