Dr Abdirashid Ismail

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Abdirashid Ismail is a senior researcher at the Migration Institute of Finland. Before joining the Migration Institute, he worked at the Department of Social Research of the University of Helsinki as a post-doctoral researcher. He is also an economics policy fellow with the Heritage Institute for Policy Studies (HIPS) in Mogadishu, Somalia. His research interests span two broad fields of studies: First, immigration and diaspora studies, with a particular focus on transnational migration, family well-being, integration and asylum policy. Here his primary research focus is on European Somalis and their transnational families. Second, political economy of conflict and state formation.


  • Ismail, A. A. (2019) "Immigrant Children, Educational Performance & Public Policy: A Capability Approach" Journal of International Migration and Integration. 20(3): 717–734, DOI: 10.1007/s12134-018-0630-9.
  • Ismail, A. A. (2019) Transnational Finnish-Somali Families and Children’s Wellbein. In Wellbeing of Transnational Muslim Families: Marriage, Law and Gender.  Tiilikainen, M., Al-Sharmani, M. M. & Mustasaari, S. (eds.). Routledge.
  • Al-Sharmani, M. M., Mustasaari, S. & Ismail, A. A. (2018) Maahanmuutto, palvelut ja hyvinvointi: kohtaamisissa kehittyviä käytäntöjä. Hiitola, J., Anis, M. & Turtiainen , K. (toim.). Tampere: Vastapaino, s. 53-75.
  • Ismail, A. A. (2018) ‘They All Encouraged Me to Do It, But After All, the Decision is Mine’: Marriage Practices among Diaspora Somalis in Finland.  Nordic Journal of Migration Research 8(2): 124–131
  • Al-Sharmani, M. M., & Ismail, A. A. (2017). Marriage and Transnational Family Life among Somali Migrants in Finland. Migration letters, 14(1), 38-49. 
  • Al-Sharmani, M. M., Mustasaari, S., & Ismail, A. A. (2017). 'Faith-based Family Dispute Resolution in Finnish Mosques: Unfolding Roles and Evolving Practices,' co-authored with Sanna Mustasaari and Abdirashid Ismail. In S. Bano (Ed.), Gender and Justice in Family Law Disputes: Women, Mediation, and Religious Arbitration (pp. 270-291). Waltham, MA, USA: Brandeis University Press.
  • Tiilikainen, M. E., Ismail, A. A., & Al-Sharmani, M. M. (2016). Somalialaiset perheet perinteiden, siirtolaisuuden ja sisällissodan välissä: In O. Fingerroos, A-M. Tapaninen, & M. Tiilikainen (Eds.), Perheenyhdistäminen: Kuka saa perheen Suomeen, kuka ei ja miksi? (pp. 43-63). Tampere: Vastapaino.
  • Tiilikainen, M. E., Fingerroos, O., & Ismail, A. A. (Eds.) (2016). Special issue of Bildhaan - An International Journal of Somali Studies: Revisiting Somali Identities. (Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies ; Vol. 16). St. Paul: Macalester College.
  • Tiilikainen, M. Fingerroos, O. and Ismail, A. A. (2016) "Special Editors‘ Note," Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies: Vol. 16 , Article 5.
  • Ismail, A. A. (2016). Maandeeq: The Dilemma of the Post-Colonial State in Somalia. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 25(1), 1–22. 
  • Ismail, A. A. (2016). The Political Economy of State Failure: A Social Contract Approach. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 10(4), 513-529.
  • Ismail, A. A. (2011) “Post-War Political Leadership in Somalia: the Diaspora Factor”, Nordic Journal of African Studies, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 28-47.
  • Ismail, A. A. (2007) “Lawlessness and Economic Governance; the Case of Hawala System in Somalia”, International Journal of Development Issues, Vol.6, No.2, pp. 168-185.

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