Research ethics

The SOAS Research Ethics Policy sets out the ethical principles which staff, students and other researchers are expected to follow when conducting research under the auspices of SOAS.
The policy, which has been approved by the Research & Knowledge Exchange Committee, defines the unacceptable behaviour which will be treated by the School as research misconduct.
PDF document, 321.62KB
Policy for the investigation of allegations of research misconduct
The SOAS policy for Investigating Allegations of Research Misconduct has been adopted from the model Procedure for the Investigation of Misconduct in Research published by the UK Research Integrity Office. It sets out how SOAS will undertake investigations that relate to allegations of research misconduct, as defined in the Research Ethics policy.
All complaints relating to allegations of research misconduct must be submitted in writing and marked for the attention of the Schools' Registrar.
PDF document, 385.52KB
Whistleblowing policy
There is also a separate SOAS whistleblowing policy available:
PDF document, 216.52KB
Statement on Research Integrity
SOAS continues in its commitment of striving to ensure research conducted under its auspices conforms to the revised Concordat to Support Research Integrity (October 2019).
The contact point for research governance at SOAS is Khalid Hasan [email:].
Access to the recent statement as approved by the Board of Trustees is now available.
PDF document, 109.53KB
Previous statements
Previous years statements are also available: