SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research

SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research
About the Bulletin
The SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research (the SBBR) was established in 2003 by founding editor Dr Michael W. Charney for the purpose of making available to the broader academic community research, resources, reviews, and information critical for the study of Burma, also known as Myanmar. The SBBR is one of three such publications, alongside the Journal of Burma Studies (Northern Illinois University) and Burma Economic Watch (Macquarie University). SBBR articles and documents are posted online immediately on issue for free downloading to anyone, anywhere, with an interest in the society, culture, and history of one of Asia's most interesting countries.
The SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research, its editorial board, international advisory board, and editor accept no responsibility for the views and claims made by contributors to the journal or to the website. Please address specific complaints to the editor at along with details (page numbers, issue number, the specifics of the complaint, etc).