School of Finance and Management

Dr Eunsuk Hong

Key information

School of Finance and Management Senior Lecturer in International Business & Management (China)
BA, BBA, MSc (Korea) MSc, PhD (London)
Russell Square: College Buildings
Email address
Telephone number
0207 898 4564
Support hours
By email appointment


Eunsuk Hong is Senior Lecturer of International Business and Management (China).

Eunsuk’s research interests focus on (i) the location strategies of multinational enterprises, foreign direct investment, and cross-border M&As in terms of management disciplines; (ii) East Asia region, especially the contemporary Chinese political and economic environments and their implications for MNEs doing business in China/with Chinese firms in terms of geographical disciplines; and (iii) applied spatial econometrics, especially quantitatively investigating the tendency of spatial dependence of economic, business and political activities in terms of methodological disciplines.

Eunsuk has received multiple awards, including winner of the McGraw-Hill/Irwin Distinguished Paper Award for the Academy of International Business Mid-West, finalist of the International Management Division CEIBS Best Paper Award for the Academy of Management, finalist of the International Management Division HKUST Best Paper Award in Strategy for the Academy of Management, finalist for the 2020 Best Paper Award for International Business Review, and nominee of the Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award for the Academy of Management. His research papers also have been selected as one of the Best Papers for the Academy of Management (International Management Division and Entrepreneurship Division) and the Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy.

Before joining SOAS in 2011, Eunsuk held a lectureship in Strategy at Queen’s University Belfast from 2006 - 2011. He received his degrees in Asian History (BA), Business Administration (BBA) and International Business (MSc) from Korea University, and International Business for China (MSc) and Finance & Management (PhD) from SOAS University of London.

Outside of academic life, Eunsuk loves playing football. He is also a lifelong supporter of the LG Twins baseball team in Korea.

PhD Supervision

Name Title
Ms Kim Bui The Role of State-Owned Enterprises in Chinese Cross -Border Mergers and Acquisitions: An Institutional Perspective
Miss Katherine Moe Entry mode of emerging market firms
Jingyuan Tuo Influence of FDI on regional inequality in post-reform China
Minhye Zoh The (in)effectiveness of corporate disclosure in reducing corporate scandals


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