Department of Economics

Katharine Isabella Onursal

Key information

Department of Economics PhD Student in Economics GTA in Political Economy of Development President of the SOAS Feminist Economics Network
Economics BSc (Exeter), Political Economy of Development MSc (SOAS)
Email address
Thesis title
Investigating the interface between maternal employment, health, and wellbeing amongst Turkey’s home-based workers
Internal Supervisors
Dr Hannah Bargawi


Kate is currently undertaking her PhD looking at the interface between maternal employment, health and wellbeing amongst Turkey’s homebased workers.

This project is funded by the Bloomsbury Group, which encourages inter-disciplinary scholarship, so alongside SOAS, LSHTM is her secondary institution, with her second supervisor as Professor Veronique Filippi, a specialist in maternal health. As part of her PhD she conducted fieldwork in Istanbul, Turkey but is now based in London once more.  

She previously worked as an assistant economist for the Government Economic Service and has also worked as a research assistant for Dr Gregor Semieniuk, on the FRANTIC project (see paper here: and for the i-Paradigm project at UCL’s IIPP centre. She is one of the founders and president of the SOAS feminist economics network ( which has previously run conferences, book clubs and meetings for its members.

Research interests

Economic issues and methodologies concerning women, specifically mothers/ home-based workers; including unpaid labour, household labour divisions, wellbeing and social reproduction.

Contact Katharine Isabella