Workshop report: Hong Kong’s National Security Law, Article 23 Legislation and Human Rights Defence

The SOAS China Institute and the Center for Asian Law at Georgetown University jointly hosted a closed door workshop titled “Hong Kong’s National Security Law, Article 23 Legislation and Human Rights Defence” on 13 February 2024 at SOAS University of London.
The workshop was intended to deepen understanding of the Article 23 legislation, the consultation document, appropriate responses to the legislative consultation, and the broader implications on Hong Kong society and the diaspora communities. Nearly 40 scholars, legal practitioners, journalists, human rights defenders, and NGOs took part in the workshop.
This report is a summary of the issues discussed at the workshop. The event was held under the Chatham House Rule, and contributions have been anonymised. Views reported here were articulated by participants. They do not represent the views of the two universities co-hosting this event.
(Photo by Cheung Yin via Unsplash)