Department of Development Studies

Dr Vitor Eduardo Schincariol

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Department of Development Studies Research Associate
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Associate Professor of Economic History and Political Economy at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC - Brazil); PhD in Economic History - University of São Paulo (USP - Brazil); Associate Editor of Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy

Recent publications


  • Schincariol, V. E. Economia e política econômica no governo Dilma (2011-2014): uma história político-econômica da primeira administração de Dilma Rousseff. 2nd ed. Curitiba: Editora CRV. 2019.

  • Schincariol, V.E. Crescimento, flutuações e endividamento externo na economia dos Estados Unidos: 1980-2010. São Bernardo do Campo: Editora UFABC. 2016


  • Yeros, Paris; Schincariol, Vitor E.; Lima, Thiago. Brazil’s Re-encounter with Africa: The Externalization of Domestic Contradictions. In: Yeros, P., Jha, P. and Moyo, S. (eds.) Reclaiming Africa. Scramble and resistance in the 21th century. Singapura: Springer. 2018.


  • Schincariol, V. E.. Ten Years of Economic Recovery in Argentina (2003-2013): An assessment of 'Neo-developmentalism. Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, v. 4. 2016.

  • Schincariol, V.E. The United States economy during the first Obama administration (2009-2012). Revista Galega de Economía, v. 25. 2016.

  • Schincariol, V. E.; Barbosa, M. S. ; Yeros, Paris. Labour Trends in Latin America and the Caribbean in the Current Crisis (2008-2016). Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, v. 7. 2017.

  • Schincariol, V. E.. Joan Robinson on Population Growth. Review of Political Economy, v.29. 2017.

  • Schincariol, V. E. and Yeros, P.. The political economy of impeachment in Brazil: an  assessment of the Temer interlude (2016-2018). Revista Galega de Economía, v.28. 2019.

  • Schincariol, V. E. and Guedes, J. P. Imperialismo, dependência, burguesia e democracia no novo-desenvolvimentismo. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Política, v. 53. 2019.

Contact Vitor Eduardo