School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics & Department of Linguistics

Dr Yan JIANG 蔣嚴 蒋严

Key information

School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and the Languages of China
BA, MA, Ph.D.
Russell Square: College Buildings
Email address
Telephone number
+44 (0)20 7898 4213


Yan JIANG got his BA and MA degrees from Fudan University, Shanghai and PhD in linguistics from London University (UCL and SOAS). 

Before joining SOAS Linguistics in September, 2015, he had taught at Fudan University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. More details can be found on his website.

PhD Supervision

Name Title
Lin Li Flexibility and Constraints in Lexical Meaning Construction in Mandarin Chinese
Pei-Yu Liao Language, Identity and Ideology: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Sunflower Movement
Wen Wang A Corpus-based Study of Subjunctivity in Shanghainese (as evidenced in the missionary linguistic and translation works on/in vernacular Shanghainese in the period 1843-1950)
Ming Yang Cultural Insensitivities or Ideological Conflicts: Examining Controversial Marketing Campaigns in China
Youru Zhou Translation in the Chinese Translation Industry: The Product, Process and Quality Assurance


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