Search our catalogues

Search our catalogues
The following catalogues can help you locate Special Collections material you may wish to use.
If you are unsure of what you are looking for, you can also explore our collections by region. If you are interested in a particular collection, you can also browse the Collections A to Z.
Archives and manuscripts
The archive catalogue offers researchers detailed information about the contents of our archival and manuscript collections.
Notice: New Archives Catalogue
We are excited to announce the launch of our new archive catalogue. You may notice some changes as we transition to this updated system. We appreciate your understanding and patience during this period. Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Rare books and printed material
The library catalogue provides information about rare printed materials, including the Council for World Mission Library, Methodist Missionary Society Library, Burma Campaign Memorial Library.
Published and unpublished guides
Not all of our finding aids are available online, for detailed information you may need to use the published and unpublished indexes and guides to the archive and manuscript collections available in the Special Collections Reading Room.