Centre of Jaina Studies

The aim of the Centre of Jaina Studies (COJS) is to promote the study of Jaina religion and culture by providing an interdisciplinary platform for academic research, teaching and publication in the field of Jaina Studies.
The Centre promotes a number of activities, including:
- Research projects in Jaina Studies.
- Dissemination of new research through the Centre's publications and website.
- Academic conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia and exhibitions.
- Public lectures in Jaina Studies by leading scholars.
- Academic exchange programmes.
- Courses on Jainism, and postgraduate research in Jaina Studies at SOAS.
- Expanding the resources relating to Jaina Studies in the SOAS Library.
- Establishing links with individuals and institutions with an academic interest in Jaina Studies.
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Key digital databases
Jaina Digital Archive
The Jaina Digital Archive is part of the SOAS Digital Collections and contains a large amount of Jaina-related materials, including imagery and scans manuscripts.
Jaina Prosopography Database
The Jaina Prosopography Database contains historical information on Jaina mendicants and householders.
Funded research projects
Studying Jainism at SOAS
BA modules
BA or MA modules
- Introduction to Prakrit (no previous knowledge required)
- Readings in Prakrit (some knowledge of Prakrit or Sanskrit needed)
MA modules
Research degrees
The School of History, Religions and Philosophies offers research degrees (MPhil, PhD) in the Study of Jainism. See also the research scholarships that are offered for this purpose.
Contact us
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