Food Studies Centre

Dr Nuno Domingos

Key information

Food Studies Centre Research Associate
Food Studies Centre
Phd Social Anthropology (SOAS)
Russell Square: College Buildings
Email address


Nuno Domingos is postdoctoral scholar at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon and a Research Associate of the SOAS Food Studies Centre from 2009-2011. His research is focused on the social history of different Portuguese wines and their contemporary contexts of consumption. He is also co-convenor of the annual Food Studies Symposium organized jointly between the SOAS Food Studies Centre and the Institute of Social Sciences (University of Lisbon).

Nuno Domingos was educated as a sociologist in the New University of Lisbon, where he also obtained his master's degree in Historical Sociology. He was awarded his PhD in Social Anthropology (SOAS, University of London) in 2009, with a work on the history of football in Colonial Mozambique (Football in Colonial Lourenço Marques: Bodily practices and social rituals).

Research interests

Current research interests: 

Anthropology of Food; social history and political economy of artisan cheese making; Portuguese wine production and consumption. He also has research on the history of Portuguese colonialism; Mozambique; Portuguese Estado Novo; Leisure and sports’ practices; football; popular culture.


Books (author):
  • 2007 Domingos, N. A Ópera do Trindade, Lisboa, Lua de Papel/INET
Books (editor):
  • 2011, Domingos, N., Neves, J. (eds) Uma História do Desporto em Portugal (3 vols), Vila do Conde, Quidnovi, 2011.
  • 2011, Domingos, N., Matos, J. N., Kumar, R., Precários em Portugal, Lisboa, Ed. 70, 2010.
  • 2010, Domingos, N. , Pereira, V. (eds.) O Estado Novo em Questão. Lisboa, Edições 70.
  • 2004, Domingos, N. Neves, J., A Época do Futebol. O jogo visto pelas ciências sociais, Lisboa, Assírio e Alvim.
Chapter in Books:
  • 2010 Domingos. N., "Desporto Moderno e Situações Coloniais: o caso do futebol em Lourenço Marques", In Mais do um Jogo: o esporte e o continente africanos_Victor Andrade Melo, Marcelo Bittencourt e Augusto Nascimento (org.) (pp. 211-242). Rio de Janeiro, Apicuri.
  • 2010, Domingos, N., Dias, N., Jerónimo, M., “Indígenas, Imigrantes e outros Povos”, em José Neves (ed.), Como se faz um Povo, Ensaios em História Contemporânea de Portugal, Lisboa, Tinta-da-China.
  • 2010, Domingos, N., Desproletarizar: a FNAT como instrumento de mediação ideológica no Estado Novo”, em Nuno Domingos e Victor Pereira (eds), O Estado Novo em Questão, Lisboa, Edições 70.
  • 2009 Domingos, N “Minerva Central: uma livraria Colonial”, em Comunidades de Leituras: cinco estudos de sociologia da Cultura, Lisboa, Colibri, pp. 63-120.
  • 2008, Domingos, N., "Football and Colonialism, Domination and Appropriation: On the Mozambican case", em Globalised Football Nations and Migration, the City and the Dream, ed. Nina Clara Tiesler, João Nuno Coelho, Routledge, pp. 39-55.
  • 2006, Domingos, N., “As bibliotecas da Casa do Povo”, Estudos de Sociologia da Leitura, dir. Diogo Ramada Curto, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, pp. 197-238
  • 2012, West, H. and Domingos, N. "Gourmandising Poverty Food: The Serpa Cheese Slow Food Presidium,” Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 12, Number 1, pp. 120-143.
  • 2011, Domingos, N., “Urban Football Narratives and the Colonial Process in Lourenço Marques”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol. 28, No. 15, October 2011, 2159–2175.
  • 2010, Domingos, N. “A circulação dos sistemas táticos: o exemplo do WM em Inglaterra, Portugal e Moçambique”, Esporte e Sociedade, Ano 5 - Número 14 - Mar.2010/Jun.2010.
  • 2010, Domingos, N., “Building a motor habitus: Physical education in the Portuguese Estado” , International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Volume 45 Issue 1, March 2010, pp. 23-37.
  • 2010, Domingos, N., “As políticas desportivas do estado colonial em Moçambique”, Lusotopie XVI (2), pp. 83-104.
  • 2007 Domingos, N., "Football and Colonialism, Domination and Appropriation: On the Mozambican case", Soccer and Society, vol. n.º4, October, 2007, pp. 478-494.


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