BA Creative Arts and ...
Key information
- Duration
- 3 or 4 years
- Start of programme
- September
- Attendance mode
- Full-time
- Fees
Home: £9,535
International: £22,870 - Entry requirements
For joint degrees, the offer is based on the subject with the higher entry requirements.
Contextual: AAB-BBB
Austria: Reifeprufungszeugnis / Maturazeugnis: four subjects at 1, 2, 2, 2
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Belgium: Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs: 75% (7.5/10, 15/20) overall
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Bulgaria: Diploma za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazovanie: 5.3 and 5.0 in two State Maturity Exams
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Canada: High School Diploma: 80% with 5 acceptable Grade 12 subjects (most territories).
British Columbia: AABBB in Grade 12 courses.A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
China: Senior Secondary Graduation Certificate + Gaokao: 78% overall in Gaokao PLUS 85% overall in Senior Secondary School Graduation Certificate (year 11 and 12)
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Croatia: Matura Certificate: 4.5 overall with 5 in 1 Higher level subject
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Cyprus: Apolytirion with 2 A-Levels: Apolytirion 18/20 + A-level grades BB
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Czech Republic: Matura Certificate: 1, 2, 2, 2
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Denmark: Studentereksamen; Hojere Forberedelseseksamen; Hojere Handelseksamen; Hojere Teknisk Eksamen: 7 plus 10, 7, 7 in three Level A subjects
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Estonia: Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus with the Riigieksamitunnistus: 4.0 with 85%, 80%, and 80% in 3 state exams
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Finland: Ylioppilastukint / Studentexamen: four subjects at 6, 5, 5, 5
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
France: French Baccalaureat or Option Internationale du Baccalauréat (OIB): 13/20
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Germany: Abitur: 1.8
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Greece: Apolytirion of Geniko Lykeio with Pan Hellenic exams: 18/20
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education: 544 in two electives and one core (all other subjects grade 3)
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Hungary: Matura (Erettségi): 4.5 overall
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Iceland: Stúdentspróf: 7.5
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
India: Standard XII: 75% (CBSE, CISCE, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra & West Bengal boards), 80% (all other state boards)
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Ireland: Irish Leaving Certificate: H1, H2, H2, H3, H3
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Israel: Bagrut: Overall grade of 7, 80% with 3 subjects at 5-unit level
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Italy: Diploma Consequito con L’Esame di Stato: 80% overall
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Latvia: Certificate of General Secondary Education: 88% in four State subject exams
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Lithuania: Brandos Atestatas: 8.5/10 and 90%, 85%, 85% in three State Exam
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Malta: Advanced Matriculation Certificate: AB (Advanced) + BBB (Intermediate)
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Netherlands: Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs: 7.5 overall with 8, 8, 7, 7 in four subjects
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Norway: Vitnemål vidergaende opplaering: 4.3 overall
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Poland: New Polish Matura: 75% in three Advanced Level subjects
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Portugal: Diploma de Ensino Secundario: overall 17.5/20
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Romania: Diploma de Bacalaureat: 8.5 overall
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Singapore: Polytechnic Diploma (Nanyang, Ngee Ann, Singapore, Temasek and Republic Polytechnic): GPA 3.3
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Slovakia: Maturitná skúška / Maturita / Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške: four subjects at 1, 2, 2, 2
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
South Africa: National Senior Certificate: 77666
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Spain: Curso de Orientación Universitaria / Título de Bachillerato: 7.5
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Sweden: Slutbetyg / Examensbevis från Gymnasieskolan: A in 1200 credits and no grades below D / 18 / mainly B overall (MVG/VG)
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Switzerland: Federal Maturity Certificate: 4.5
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Tanzania: Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education: ACSE with BBB in 3 principle subjects
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Trinidad and Tobago: CAPE: Six CAPE units with grade 2 (+two double-unit courses)
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
Turkey: Lise Diplomasi: 78-83% (depending on high school)
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
USA: High School Diploma plus ACT, SAT, or AP exams:
High School Diploma GPA 3.0 plus SAT 1280 or ACT 27 and 2 AP's at 4,4
or -
High School Diploma GPA of 3.2 plus 2 AP's at 4,4
or -
High School Diploma GPA 3.4 plus SAT 1300 or ACT 29
or -
2-year Associate degree GPA 3.1
A Level equivalent: ABB
Contextualised offer: BBB -
See undergraduate entry requirements and English language requirements for international and alternative entry requirements.
Course overview
On the BA Creative Arts and ... joint degree you will have the chance to study a wide range of topics in Asia, Middle East, Africa and their diasporas, not only from across the School of Arts, but from across SOAS.
Building on the successes and strengths of our full BA Creative Arts and Cultural Industries degree, students taking this programme can combine their passion for the study of creative arts with other subjects available via SOAS’s uniquely flexible and student-centred joint degrees system. Some of the amazing combinations that are available include: BA Creative Arts and Law, BA Creative Arts and International Relations, and BA Creative Arts and Politics.
The only programme in the UK with this level of flexibility, the degree offers historical, theoretical and practical training by world-leading experts, and supported by close connections with industry partners. Strong emphasis is placed on professional skills tailored for industry demands, and ideally suited for careers in arts management, cultural diplomacy, heritage organisations, consultancy, entrepreneurship, journalism, and the music industry.
Students can also shape their degree around specific regional or thematic interests through wide-ranging regional expertise from across the School of Arts and other departments at SOAS. The first year gives students an introduction to the arts, music and cultural industries of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. During the second and third years, students continue developing critical theory and research skills, completing their degree with a Capstone Project of their own design.
Use our combined courses tool to see a breakdown of course structure
Teaching and learning
Learning outcomes
- Specialist knowledge of cross-cultural expressive arts of Asia, Africa or the Middle East and their diasporas
- A critical awareness of world art/world cultures/world heritage, with an emphasis on SOAS’s regional specialisms (Asia, Africa and the Middle East)
- Ability to articulate, compare and critique debates surrounding art history, music and the creative and cultural industries as applied to transcultural contexts
- Ability to define and undertake independent research on the expressive arts of Asia and Africa and their diasporas
- Ability to analyse case studies of specific works of art, music and other creative and cultural industries, particularly as they relate to the other half of the joint degree
- Development of individual and collaborative skills in, e.g., visual and literary analysis, cultural journalism, event organisation, media production, sound recording, and/or musical performance
- Ability to create a coherent verbal presentation, written report and group portfolio
- Effective analytical and critical written skills
- Improved written communication in academic and other formats and media developed via a range of assessments
- Enhanced team working, organisational, project and time management skills developed particularly during the preparation of group projects and assignments in the practice-based modules
Fees and funding
Fees for 2025/26 entrants per academic year
Programme | Full-time | |
Home students | Overseas students | |
BA, BSc, LLB | £9,250 | £22,870 |
BA/BSc Language year abroad | £1,385 | £11,430 |
See undergraduate fees for full details.
Students in the School of Arts develop a critical and theoretically informed approach to global arts and culture. In addition to an intercultural awareness and practical expertise, graduates gain a wide portfolio of transferable skills which are especially sought after in the creative and cultural industries.
Recent graduates have been hired by:
- Christie’s
- Christine Park Gallery
- Crisis
- Design Museum
- Hong Kong Museum Of Art
- India Foundation For The Arts
- Japanese Gallery
- Museum of East Asian Art
- Music in Detention
- National Gallery
- Pan Arts
- People Projects Culture & Change
- Roundhouse Trust
- Somerset House Trust
- Songlines Magazine
- Sotheby's
- South Asian Art UK
- Stratford Circus Arts Centre
- Taiwan Embassy
- The Alliance for Global Education
- The British Embassy
- The National Museum Of Korea
- The Royal Collection
- Victoria and Albert Museum
Find out about our Careers Service.