School of Arts & Centre for Creative Industries, Media and Screen Studies

Dr Marcus Gilroy-Ware

Key information

Centre for Creative Industries, Media and Screen Studies Lecturer in Creative Digital Media
Email address
Support hours
Mondays, 1:00pm–2:00pm


Marcus began his scholarly career in journalism studies imagining a future for digital journalism, later shifting to the broader picture of "factual media" and online culture, and working to build critical theories of technology, discourse, power and capital.

He is author of "After The Fact? The Truth about Fake News" (2020) and "Filling the Void: Emotion, Capitalism and Social Media" (2017). His work is frequently interdisciplinary, drawing on multiple literacies, and he has prior academic training in cognitive science, linguistics and law, while his doctoral work was in cultural studies and political economy.

Marcus is co-ordinator of the SOAS Digital Research Network, and alongside academic work, he worked as a software developer and entrepreneur from 2005-2017. He is also a musician and visual artist.

Research interests

Marcus has quite a wide range of interests. Geographically, the global political economy of the internet means an entirely localised expertise in digital media less interesting, but regionally Marcus is particularly interested in Brazil (where he has lived), Israel/Palestine, East Africa, South Asia and the Euro-Atlantic.

He is keenly interested in aspects of political culture such as suspicion and conspiracy beliefs, and his works develop a “thicker” understanding of misinformation that incorporates these sociological factors. Marcus also researches cultural commodification, remix, Gender/masculinity, the role of handheld device-based video in simulating, fragmenting and enclosing public conversation.
