SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics

SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics  (WPL) is an outlet for research in progress conducted by graduate students, faculty, alumni and research associates in the Department of Linguistics at the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, and SOAS.  

Latest edition

Volume 21 (2023) edited by Tom Jelpke and Vasiliki Vita

The 21st volume of the SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics features research in progress of research students, alumni and staff of the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics at SOAS. 

This volume was edited by Tom Jelpke and Vasiliki Vita. 


p iv-v Jelpke, T & Vasiliki, V. Editorial note

p1-15. Dunn, S. To not have or to not be: Negative Verbs in Proto Tukanoan

p16-29. Xue, L & Jiang, Y. The Semantics and Pragmatics of the Quasi-logical Use of yòu in Mandarin Chinese

p30-45. Carson, B. “A Metamorphosed Language”: Tracing Language Attitudes Towards Lubumbashi Swahili and French in the DRC

p46-63. Nwoda, C. Attitudes Regarding the Use of Nigerian Pidgin English among Nigerian Students at Coventry University

p64-82. Ọlátúnjí, A. Reflections on how Family Language Policies have contributed to language shift among Yorùbás in London

p83-88. Lovestrand, J. Book Review: Why Language Documentation Matters (Chelliah 2021)

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