Mushtaq Khan is a Professor of Economics at SOAS University of London.
He is also head of the FCDO (UK government)-funded Anti-Corruption Evidence Research Consortium (SOAS-ACE) and joint head of the FCDO funded SOAS-Yale partnership, Research and Evidence on Nepal’s Transition (RENT), working with the British Embassy in Kathmandu.
He is a leading thinker on political settlements (an analytical framework he developed for assessing why institutions perform differently across countries), effective policy implementation, governance, industrial policy, institutional economics, political economy, and anti-corruption.
The SOAS-ACE research consortium has developed an innovative evidence-based approach to identify feasible (enforceable) and high impact anti-corruption strategies in countries with a weak rule of law ( The programme works in Asia and Africa with a focus on Nigeria, Bangladesh, Tanzania and a number of other countries, and is recognized as one of the important research programmes currently supported by the FCDO.
The RENT programme that he jointly heads with Yale works with FCDO programmes in Nepal to challenge and test the underlying assumptions that are implicit in the design of these programmes and to provide evidence-based analysis that helps the British Embassy to design more effective development assistance.
Prior to this Mushtaq has led multidisciplinary and multi-country research programmes informing development policy, including UK aid’s three-year Governance and Growth Research Programme 2007-2010, conducting research in Bangladesh, Tanzania, India and Thailand on political settlements, technology policy, and the evolution of property rights. He was joint leader of a research programme on governance and growth for Agence Francaise Développement, AFD, from 2010 to 2013. This covered research on seven countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. He has also led a six-year Ford Foundation multi-country research programme (2008-14) on governance and growth in India, Bangladesh and Thailand.
Mushtaq has been a member of the United Nation Committee of Experts on Public Administration (2009-17) and the World Bank's Panel of Experts on Policy Implementation (2012-16). He served on task forces on Africa and on Industrial Policy set up by Professor Joseph Stiglitz under the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia University. He has been Visiting Professor at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok and at Dhaka University, Bangladesh.
Mushtaq has given evidence to the UK House of Commons on several occasions including on aid to Palestine, and on anti-corruption strategies, and is regularly invited to high level meetings with UK government ministers and officials to provide inputs in policy discussions.
He has spoken widely on anti-corruption, feasible governance reforms, industrial policy, political settlements and economic development, and is regularly invited to deliver keynote speeches at events such as the African Development Bank's African Economic Conference and the Commonwealth Ministerial Forum on Public Administration.
His work is published and cited globally and has won a number of prizes including his article in the journal Democratization, which received the annual Frank Cass Prize for the article that 'most advances our knowledge and understanding of democratization'. His political settlements framework has been extensively used in several major research consortia in the UK including the Effective States and Inclusive Development programme (ESID) at the University of Manchester, the African Cities Research Consortium (ACRC) at the University of Manchester, and the Political Settlements Research Programme led by the University of Edinburgh.
Mushtaq was born in Bangladesh. He has a First Class degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford and holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge, where he subsequently spent 6 years as Assistant Director of Development Studies at the Department of Land Economy and was a Fellow in Economics at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. He joined SOAS in 1996.
He has written and researched in many countries including Bangladesh, Nepal, Thailand, Palestine, South Africa, Tanzania, Nigeria, India, Cambodia, Pakistan, and Malaysia.
Research interests
Institutional economics, Rent-seeking economics, Corruption and clientelism, Industrial policy and state intervention in developing countries. South and South-East Asian economic development, Indian subcontinent.
Capitalist Transformation in Transition: Exploring business political elite linkage in post-war Angola (working title)
Who is absent and why? Factors affecting doctor absenteeism in Bangladesh
Islam, Mir Raihanul, Angell, Blake, Naher, Nahitun, Islam, Bushra Zarin, Khan, Mushtaq, McKee, Martin, Hutchinson, Eleanor, Balabanova, Dina and Ahmed, Syed Masud, 2024, PLOS Global Public Health (4), 4, pp e0003040
Win-win: designing dual-use in climate projects for effective anti-corruption in Bangladesh
Khan, Mushtaq, Watkins, Mitchell, Aminuzzaman, Salahuddin, Khair, Sumaiya and Khan, Muhammad Zakir Hossain, 2022, Climate and Development (14), 10, pp 921-934
Khan, Mushtaq (2019). In: Nayyar, Deepak, (ed.), Asian Transformations: An Inquiry into the Development of Nations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 321-345
Industrial Policy Design and Implementation Challenges
Khan, Mushtaq (2015). In: Felipe, Jesus, (ed.), Development and Modern Industrial Policy in Practice: Issues and Country Experiences. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 94-126
Khan, Mushtaq (2015). In: Bailey, David, (eds.), Cowling, Keith, (eds.) and Tomlinson, Philip, (eds.), New Perspectives on Industrial Policy for a Modern Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 79-98
Bangladesh: Economic Growth in a Vulnerable Limited Access Order
Khan, Mushtaq (2013). In: North, Douglass, (eds.), Wallis, John, (eds.), Webb, Steven, (eds.) and Weingast, Barry, (eds.), In the Shadow of Violence: Politics, Economics and the Problems of Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 24-69
Technology Policies and Learning with Imperfect Governance
Khan, Mushtaq (2013). In: Stiglitz, Joseph, (eds.) and Lin, Justin Yifu, (eds.), The Industrial Policy Revolution I. The Role of Government Beyond Ideology. London: Palgrave, pp 79-115
Political Settlements and the Design of Technology Policy
Khan, Mushtaq (2013). In: Stiglitz, Joseph, (eds.), Lin, Justin Yifu, (eds.) and Patel, Ebrahim, (eds.), The Industrial Policy Revolution II. Africa in the 21st Century. London: Palgrave, pp 243-280
Blankenburg, Stephanie and Khan, Mushtaq (2012). In: Reuter, Peter, (ed.), Draining Development? Controlling Flows of Illicit Funds from Developing Countries. Washington: The World Bank, pp 21-68
Khan, Mushtaq (2012). In: de Mello, Luiz, (eds.) and Dutz, Mark A., (eds.), Promoting Inclusive Growth: Challenges and Policy. Paris: OECD Publishing, pp 15-54
Governance and Growth: History, Ideology and Methods of Proof
Khan, Mushtaq (2012). In: Noman, Akbar, (eds.), Botchwey, Kwesi, (eds.), Stein, Howard, (eds.) and Stiglitz, Joseph, (eds.), Good Growth and Governance in Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 51-79
Khan, Mushtaq (2012). In: Noman, Akbar, (eds.), Botchwey, Kwesi, (eds.), Stein, Howard, (eds.) and Stiglitz, Joseph, (eds.), Good Growth and Governance in Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 114-139
Beyond Good Governance: An Agenda for Developmental Governance
Khan, Mushtaq (2012). In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (eds.) and Chowdhury, Anis, (eds.), Is Good Governance Good for Development?. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp 151-182
The Political Economy of Industrial Policy in Asia and Latin America
Khan, Mushtaq and Blankenburg, Stephanie (2009). In: Dosi, Giovanni, (eds.), Cimoli, Mario, (eds.) and Stiglitz, Joseph, (eds.), Industrial Policy and Development: The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 336-377
Is "Good Governance" an Appropriate Model for Governance Reforms? The Relevance of East Asia for Developing Muslim Countries
Khan, Mushtaq (2009). In: Springborg, Robert, (ed.), Development Models in Muslim Contexts: Chinese, "Islamic" and Neo-Liberal Alternatives. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp 195-230
Governance and Development: The Perspective of Growth-Enhancing Governance
Khan, Mushtaq (2008). Diversity and Complementarity in Development Aid: East Asian Lessons for African Growth. Tokyo: GRIPS Development Forum/National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, pp 107-152
Governance, Economic Growth and Development since the 1960s
Khan, Mushtaq (2007). In: Ocampo, José Antonio, (eds.), Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (eds.) and Vos, Rob, (eds.), Growth Divergences: Explaining Differences in Economic Performance. Hyderabad, London and Penang: Orient Longman, Zed Books and Third World Network, pp 285-323
Khan, Mushtaq (2006). In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (eds.) and Fine, Ben, (eds.), The New Development Economics: after the Washington Consensus. London and New Dehli: Zed Press and Tulika, pp 200-221
'Security First' and its Implications for a Viable Palestinian State
Khan, Mushtaq (2005). In: Keating, Michael, (eds.), Le More, Anne, (eds.) and Lowe, Robert, (eds.), Aid, Diplomacy and Facts on the Ground: The Case of Palestine. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House (UK), pp 59-73
Khan, Mushtaq (2005). In: Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (eds.) and Reinert, Erik S, (eds.), The Origins of Development Economics: How Schools of Economic Thought Have Addressed Development. London: Zed Press, pp 69-80
Khan, Mushtaq (2004). In: Kochendörfer-Lucius, G, (eds.) and Pleskovic, B, (eds.), Investment Climate, Growth, and Poverty. Washington: World Bank, pp 77-83
Khan, Mushtaq (2004). In: Khan, Mushtaq, (eds.), Amundsen, Inge, (eds.) and Giacaman, George, (eds.), State Formation in Palestine: Viability and Governance during a Social Transformation. London: Routledge, pp 1-12
State Failure in Developing Countries and Institutional Reform Strategies
Khan, Mushtaq (2004). In: Tungodden, B., (eds.), Stern, N., (eds.) and Kolstad, I., (eds.), Toward Pro-Poor Policies. Aid, Institutions, and Globalization. Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, Europe (2003).. Oxford: Oxford University Press and World Bank, pp 165-195
State Formation under the PNA: Potential Outcomes and their Viability
Hilal, Jamil and Khan, Mushtaq (2004). In: Khan, Mushtaq, (eds.), Amundsen, Inge, (eds.) and Giacaman, George, (eds.), State Formation in Palestine: Viability and Governance during a Social Transformation. London: Routledge, pp 64-119
Evaluating the Emerging Palestinian State: 'Good Governance' versus 'Transformation Potential'
Khan, Mushtaq (2004). In: Khan, Mushtaq, (eds.), Giacaman, George, (eds.) and Amundsen, Inge, (eds.), State Formation in Palestine. Viability and Governance During a Social Transformation. London: Routledge, pp 13-63
Khan, Mushtaq (2001). In: Fine, Ben, (eds.), Lapavitsas, Costas, (eds.) and Pincus, Jonathan, (eds.), Development policy in the 21st century: beyond the post-Washington consensus. London: Routledge, pp 112-135
Class, Clientelism and Communal Politics in Bangladesh
Khan, Mushtaq (2000). In: Panikkar, K.N., (eds.), Byres, T.J., (eds.) and Patnaik, U., (eds.), The Making of History: Essays presented to Irfan Habib. Delhi: Tulika, pp 572-606
Khan, Mushtaq (2000). In: Khan, Mushtaq, (eds.) and Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (eds.), Rents, Rent-Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 21-69
Khan, Mushtaq (2000). In: Khan, Mushtaq, (eds.) and Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (eds.), Rents, Rent-Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 70-144
Privatization and Employment: A Study of the Jute Industry in Bangladesh
Bhaskar, V. and Khan, Mushtaq (2000). In: Cook, Paul, (eds.) and Kirkpatrick, Colin, (eds.), Privatisation in Developing Countries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Introduction to Rents, Rent-Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia
Jomo, Kwame Sundaram and Khan, Mushtaq (2000). In: Khan, Mushtaq, (eds.) and Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, (eds.), Rents, Rent-Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 1-20
The Role of Civil Society and Patron-Client Networks in the Analysis of Corruption
Khan, Mushtaq (1998). Corruption and Integrity Improvement Initiatives in Developing Countries. New York: UNDP, Management Development and Governance Division, pp 111-128
State Failure in Weak States: A Critique of New Institutionalist Explanations
Khan, Mushtaq (1995). In: Harriss, John, (eds.), Hunter, Janet, (eds.) and Lewis, Colin, (eds.), New Institutional Economics and Third World Development. London: Routledge, pp 71-86
Characteristics of Better Performing Nepali SMEs and Implications for Policy
Khan, Mushtaq, Roy, Pallavi, Mainali, Siddartha, Shrestha, Aslesh, Neupane, Saumitra and Rana, Shreeya (2023). London ; Lalitpur: (SOAS University of London ; Policy Entrepreneurs, Inc.)
Challenge of Inclusive Federalism in Nepal: A Political Settlements Analysis of Madhesh Province
Khan, Mushtaq, Roy, Pallavi, Prasai, Sagar, Acharya, Anurag, Karna, Avinash and Neupane, Saumitra (2022). London ; Lalitpur: (SOAS University of London ; Policy Entrepreneurs, Inc.)
State Weakness in Developing Countries and Strategies of Institutional Reform: Operational Implications for Anti-Corruption Policy and a Case Study of Tanzania
Gray, Hazel and Khan, Mushtaq (2006). London: (Department for International Development (DFID))
Investment and Technology [Policy Guidance Notes for National Development Strategies]
Khan, Mushtaq (2006). New York; Geneva: (UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) and DESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs))
Social Justice and Sustainable Development in Muslim Countries
Khan, Mushtaq(2005). In: Workshop on Economic and Social Policies and Wealth Redistribution in Muslim Countries, 9-10 August :Trinity College, Cambridge
Memorandum submitted as Evidence to the House of Commons International Development Committee on Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Second Report of Session 2003-04 Volume II
Khan, Mushtaq(2003). In: Parliamentary Hearing, London