Professor Arup Chatterjee

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SOAS South Asia Institute Visiting Scholar
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I am a Professor at OP Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India. I am the founding chief editor of Coldnoon: International Journal of Travel Writing & Travelling Cultures, which I ran from 2011 to 2018. I have authored The Purveyors of Destiny: A Cultural Biography of the Indian Railways (2017), The Great Indian Railways (2018), Indians in London: From the Birth of the East India Company to Independent India (2021) and The Great Indian Railway Saga (2023), besides being the author of over seventy articles and academic papers in national and international publications. My forthcoming book is on the history of Adam's Bridge (Routledge 2023) and Ram Setu (Rupa 2023-24). In 2012, I translated the Urdu poems of Firaq Gorakhpuri, published in the biography written by Ajai Man Singh, The Poet of Pain and Ecstasy (Roli 2015). My research interests include nineteenth-century colonial history, anthropology, culture and literary studies. 

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