Support the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics

Why give?

Now more than 90 years old, the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics takes culture - both contemporary and traditional - as the principal lens through which to view the regions of its expertise.

This School is dedicated to decolonising the curriculum and to exploring theoretical perspectives developed beyond Western constructions of knowledge. It gives students a depth of engagement with a culture via languages to grant them a deeper insight and curiosity which they take with them into their careers.

By supporting our students, you become a part of their journey and allow them a better focus on these important studies. Gifts to the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics General Support fund will be directed towards the School's area of greatest need at the discretion of the School head.

US-based donors

US-based donors can support important causes that help bring important educational opportunities to high-achieving students and to support the world-renowned academics as tax-efficient gifts.