School of Finance and Management seminar series: Prof Furio Rosati on refugee-host interactions in Uganda

Prof. Furio Rosati (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Visiting Scholar at the School of Finance and Management, presented his paper (co-authored also with Prof. Pasquale Scaramozzino) on “Gains from Variety: Refugee-Host Interactions in Uganda” at the SFM research seminar series on 17 January 2023.

The research focuses on the economic effects that arise from the interaction between refugees and host communities. Most refugees in the world reside in economically disadvantaged countries for extended periods, making it crucial to examine their integration into the local economy and the potential impact of their presence on economic growth. Being near to host communities can lead to improved welfare for both groups by creating opportunities for increased access to a variety of goods and services. The study presents a theoretical model that explores the potential benefits that may result from the proximity and interaction between hosts and refugees, based on the love for diversity. Evidence from refugee-host interactions in Uganda shows that proximity between groups increases food expenditure and food consumption diversity in both groups. Exposure to group interaction increased non-food expenditures, making refugee households more likely to run agricultural and non-farm businesses without crowding out hosts from production.