The end of actor prints (役者絵): How did the Meiji era's actor prints disappear?

Key information

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Russell Square: College Buildings
Khalili Lecture Theatre (KLT)

About this event

With the ongoing boom of Hokusai and the growing popularity of Kuniyoshi and Yoshitoshi, Ukiyo-e has received unprecedented attention in Japan.

In terms of research, the growth of online Ukiyo-e databases has released the field from the monopoly of art historians and has made it a research resource for various fields of Japanese studies. As a result, the number of research themes dealing with Ukiyo-e has expanded remarkably, and the number of researchers looking into prints of actors has increased, which have traditionally received less attention than prints of beauties and landscape prints.

Despite the increased interest in history of actor prints, there seems to be no study that mentions how or why actor prints disappeared in the late Meiji to Taisho eras. This period is an important turning point not only in the history of prints, but also in the history of theatre and the diversification of media. This presentation will discuss how and why actor prints disappeared during the Meiji and Taisho periods.




About the speaker

Ryo Akama is Director of Art Research Center and Professor at the College of Letters at Ritsumeikan University. He specializes in the study of Kabuki and Ukiyo-e archives. After opening a database of 50,000 Ukiyo-e at the Theatre Museum of Waseda University to the public, he started the Ukiyo-e digitization project at the V&A in 2003, followed by a collaboration with the British Museum, and a large-scale digitization project of Japanese cultural resources held by museums and libraries in Europe and America. 

In addition, the Art Research Center was established as a center for the study of digital humanities in Japan. The Ukiyo-e database and old Japanese books database operated by him at the Art Research Center are the largest in the world.