Going down to Oxshott: Remembering Ian Nish (1926-2022)

Key information
- Date
- Time
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- Venue
- Russell Square: College Buildings
- Room
- Khalili Lecture Theatre (KLT)
- Event type
- Event highlights
About this event
For over 30 years, Ian Nish taught and researched as a Japan specialist in the International History Department of the London School of Economics and Political Science.
This Ian Nish Memorial Lecture explores both the professional and personal sides of Ian Nish, the historian and the man from the viewpoint of one of his many students, Ayako Hotta-Lister.
Event recording
About the speaker
Dr Ayako Hotta-Lister wrote her 1995 doctorate under Professor Nish’s supervision at the LSE. She has since published two studies on the 1910 Japan-British Exhibition, the second a collection of papers on the centenary of the Exhibition in 2010, as well as numerous papers for STICERD, the LSE Research Centre, which was headed by Professor Nish, and some contributions to other books related in her field, Anglo-Japanese relations.
She is currently retracing her mentor’s footsteps in her own exploration of Japanese attitudes to the Anglo-Japanese Alliance for a forthcoming monograph.
- Organiser: SOAS Japan Research Centre
- Contact email: centres@soas.ac.uk