Applications are invited for small grants of up to £2,000 to support fieldwork, research in libraries and archives, and participation in conferences in China. Applications seeking support to kickstart joint research projects by China scholars from different departments, as well as collaborative projects with partners in China are particularly welcome. The allocation of grants is overseen by the SOAS China Institute. To apply, complete the application form and email it to

Professor Gungwu Wang Grant for Academic Staff, application form

Word document, 331.12KB

Deadline: Rolling deadline.

Further information is available from Li-Sa Whittington:

Past recipients



  • Dr Elisa Oreglia – One-month fieldwork in Shandong province focusing on formal and informal commerce carried out on social media in rural China. Amount: £1,963.
  • Dr Tian Yuan Tan – A research study on the formation and circulation of court cultures focusing on the theatrical rituals and performances in Qing dynasty China, based on literary manuscripts and historical records held in China and also the accounts of such performances in various courts in East Asia by foreign envoys who were invited to these occasions. Amount: £2,000.
  • Dr Di Wu – Organisation of a workshop at SOAS China Institute on the topic of "The rise of Chinese women? – the change of female role, virtue and autonomy in China". Amount: £1,000.