School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics & Near and Middle East Section

Professor Muhammad A S Abdel Haleem, OBE

Key information

School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics King Fahd Professor of Islamic Studies Centre of Islamic Studies Director Steering Committee Member for Arabic
BA (Cairo), PhD (Cantab), FCIL (London)
Russell Square: College Buildings
Email address
Telephone number
+44(0)20 7898 4325
Support hours
Tuesday and Wednesday 3pm-4pm


Islam: beliefs, practice and culture; Islamic family law; Arab society and culture

Research interests

The Qur'an: language, style and translations in English; Islamic family law

PhD Supervision

Name Title
Mohammad Radhi Bin Mohammad Noh The Aḥwāl (States) and Maqāmāt (Stations) of the Divine Journey: An Analysis of Imām al-Ḥaddād’s Thoughts
Dr Mohammed Gamal Abdelnour
Shylla Akhtar Adab al-Tabīb (Practical Medical ethics) of al-Ruhāwī's (third/ninth Centuries) in the Context of Western Secularised Society. The Challenges of Muslim Doctors in Britain.
Ann Alkindi Tazkiyat al-nafs in the Qur’an
Faizul Redhwan Karim Gender Relations in the Qur'ān
Muhammad Nabil Charities in the Qurʾān and aḥādīth, and charitable work in multicultural societies
Fatima Rashid The Qurʾānic arrangement of sūras: Continuity and progression in language and themes


Contact Muhammad