School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics

Yingxin Chen

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School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics PhD researcher
Email address
Thesis title
Translation and reception of British detective fiction in China 1896-1916 ( working title)
Internal Supervisors
Professor Wen-chin Ouyang

Research interests

My PhD research investigates the Chinese translations of British detective fiction, specifically the Sherlock Holmes stories, between the years 1896 and 1916. The main objective is to comprehend the function of the translated texts and their reception within certain historical, social and cultural context of China during that transformative period. Once the Sherlock Holmes stories gained global circulation, Chinese translators often took liberties with the original source material in their early translations. Consequently, by considering translation as a form of rewriting and viewing the translator as both a "virtual reader" and an "image maker," my research delves into the social and cultural aspects of detective fiction, focusing on the impact of abridgments and additions, as well as the innovations created in the translations. Instead of exploring the influence of detective fiction solely through its narrative features, this research focuses on its cultural, social, and philosophical influences on the development of Chinese popular fiction in the early 20th century.

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