Jobs, internships and volunteering
Where to start
SOAS Careers promotes jobs (both part time and full time), internships and volunteering via CareersZONE, our careers management system. All current students have access to this - please contact us via SID if you are having problems. All adverts meet our terms and conditions, including policies on national minimum wage and opportunities that require payment from students. You can also search for remote opportunities on CareersZONE.
Other jobsearch resources
We have lots more information about how to find part time, full time and graduate jobs on our Jobs and Work Experience section on MySOAS Student, including information on recruitment agencies, COVID-19 specific resources, and links to lots of handouts and directories.
Did you know?
Did you know that 82% of UK graduate employers across all sectors will accept job applications from students and graduates irrespective of the degree subject they are studying?
They are degree agnostic (2018 Annual Employer Survey, the Institute of Student Employers).
At SOAS, we strongly encourage our students to undertake internships. Students' careers are enriched by the experience while employers can benefit from the specialist skills that our students can bring. Internship opportunities can be of any duration and can span a range of roles so long as they fit in with the academic year. SOAS Careers only advertise opportunities which offer at least the national minimum wage.
To find out more information about where to look for internships and how to get support, please see our Internships section on MySOAS Student.
SOAS believes that volunteering exemplifies the ethical values of the School. Volunteering enriches the student experience at SOAS, as well as enhancing personal development, social networks, and skill strengths.
SOAS Careers can help you with finding volunteering opportunities within the UK, submitting applications for volunteering, and reflecting on the skills gained. You can volunteer for as much or as little time as you like. However, as a volunteer you should not have a contract of employment, but may be given a volunteer agreement. Be mindful of balancing your study commitments with volunteering, and make sure that you are only devoting as many hours as you can realistically manage.
To find out more information about where to look for volunteering opportunities and how to get support, please see our Volunteering section on MySOAS Student.