How we help after graduation

Career opportunities, access to resources and events
Support for current student and alumni
SOAS Alumni can now use the Careers Service free of charge. You can continue to benefit from the SOAS Careers Service’s resources and support which includes:
- Access to jobs, internships and volunteering opportunties via CareersZONE.
- Access to online resources such as the Career Discovery feed on CareersZONE, GoinGlobal,, Graduates First, and Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding Online - contact us to find out more.
- Access to SOAS Connect, our eMentoring platform designed to help connect SOAS alumni and students around the world for peer-to-peer careers advice and guidance. Find out more about SOAS Connect by watching this short video.
- Unlimited access to our careers information room to help you find out about jobs, different career options, further study and more.
- Free careers publications and employer directories.
- Free attendance to SOAS specific careers events.
- 15 minute guidance appointments with our careers consultants – including refining your careers thinking, completing applications effectively and tailoring your CV. Please note: during the Autumn Term we prioritise appointments for current students and graduates from the previous year. If you graduated more than 2 years ago, we can offer you up to 3 appointments per year (not available during the Autumn Term).
- A weekly e-newsletter to keep you up-to-date with news and events.
Graduates before or post-2016
If you graduated since 2016, you will still be able to use CareersZONE, our careers management system to book on events and to view jobs and opportunities. You will need to log on via the Alumni sign in box with a non-SOAS email address.
If you graduated before 2016, you may not be on our system. Please register with Alumni and then contact us - we will send you a link to register with CareersZONE.
If you have any queries or wish to book an appointment, please contact or phone 020 7898 4115.
Further help
- Prospects - detailed information on different sectors and roles, profiles of graduate career options, further study information, vacancy listings and country-by-country information.
- Graduate employment and skills guide - developed by the Office for Students to help students who are graduating to think about their choices and what to do next.