Melting the Stars

Key information
About this event
by Joey Bieber
12 July – 21 September
15 October – 7 December 2001
"Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt the stars."
Gustave Flaubert (1821-80)
Melting the Stars was opened in Paris, in 1998, by HRH Duc D'Orleans, under the title The Brave People of Burma and has since been shown in Denmark and Israel.
A selection of over 60 remarkable photographs, both colour and black and white, Melting the Stars records people and life as lived in Burma.
Travelling extensively in countries as remote as Afghanistan and Bhutan, Joey Bieber captures humanity in the everyday, within the subjects of her work, endowing her pictures with an almost tangible compassion and warmth.
This exhibition will be of interest to those already familiar with Burma, but will particularly appeal to those who share a fascination at the variety of existence still to be found in the 21st Century.
Melting the Stars will be shown in two parts: the first from 12 July to 21 September 2001, with a short interlude from 22 September to 14 October, in which the content will be rotated, the second part from 15 October to 7 December, 2001.
The exhibition, accompanied by an extended catalogue including other works by Joey Bieber and a foreword by Maureen Lipman (who will be speaking at the opening), has been made possible through the generous support of Christies, Cazenoves and AON.