Dr Feja Lesniewska

Key information
- Roles
- School of Law, Gender and Media Senior Teaching Fellow Law, Environment and Development Centre Co-founder and Member Centre for Sustainable Finance Senior Fellow
- Department
- School of Law, Gender and Media
- Qualifications
- MA(Hons) Edinburgh, MSc (Edinburgh), MA (London), PhD (London)
- Building
- Russell Square: College Buildings
- Office
- 4406
- Email address
- fl7@soas.ac.uk
Dr Feja Lesniewska is a Senior Teaching Fellow for the Centre of International Studies and Diplomacy part of the School of Interdisciplinary Studies. Feja is also a Honorary Research Fellow at the Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) department at University College London.
Feja obtained her PhD in international law-making processes in relation to forests at the School of Law, SOAS. Her research included fieldwork in China. Feja has also conducted research fieldwork in West Africa, East Asia and Russia on a range of forest related issues including the illegal timber trade, community tenure rights and climate change including REDD+. She has been a consultant to leading environmental NGOs on forest related law and policy including ClientEarth, the Institute for International Environment and Development and Forest Peoples Programme.
Most recently Feja has conducted research exploring the intersection between digital technologies and environmental law. She was a Research Fellow at STEaPP between March 2018-December 2019 with the PETRAS programme focusing on international governance, security of critical infrastructure, especially food supply chains and ports, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Feja also lectures at UCL on environmental governance, climate change and international commodity trade law.
Feja co-founded the Law Environment and Development Centre at SOAS with Professor Philippe Cullet and is a member of the Centre’s Journal, Law Environment and Development (LEAD) Editorial Board.
Research interests
Climate change and energy law, sustainable development, ecosystems law and governance (forests, land, water), disruptive technologies (AI, IoT, blockchain and cloud computing) and environmental law, human rights.