Department of History of Art and Archaeology

Dr May al-Ibrashy

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Department of History of Art and Archaeology Professor of Practice (Islamic Architecture)
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May al-Ibrashy is a licensed architectural engineer with close to 30 years of field experience in conservation and heritage management in Historic Cairo. She holds a BSc in Architectural Engineering from Ain Shams University, an MA in Art, Architecture and Archaeology and a PhD in Archaeology from the School of Oriental and African Studies, the University of London. She is currently founder and chair of Megawra-Built Environment Collective, a twin institution consisting of Egyptian NGO and consultancy working on issues of the built environment. She coordinates Athar Lina, an initiative run by Megawra-BEC in partnership with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. Athar Lina conceives of the heritage as a driver for community development and as such works on heritage conservation and rehabilitation, heritage industries and education and urban revitalization in al-Khalifa. Al-Ibrashy is also adjunct lecturer of architecture at the American University in Cairo and at Cairo University.

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