Department of Development Studies

Dr Tim Pringle

Key information

Department of Development Studies Reader in Labour, Social Movements and Development
BA (Leeds); PhD (Warwick)
Email address
Telephone number
020 7898 4678
Support hours
Please book using link in 'Biography' below


PhD Supervision

Name Title
Ayse Arslan Low-Paid Industrial Workers in the Garment Industry, Un-Paid House-Workers in the Family: Women Workers in Turkey/Izmir
Mr Prince Asafu-Adjaye Trade Union Responses to Neoliberalism in Ghana
Sebastian Denner Belt and Road in Cambodia: Articulating Local Agency in BRI Development Projects
Daniel Fuchs Hegemony and Labour Politics in the People's Republic of China. Labour conflicts and hegemonic state strategies in the context of industrial relocation to Western China
Hanee Kang Subtle variations between postcoloniality and post-coloniality in South Korean aid: transforming and transmitting national development experiences for global development (the case study of Saemaul Undong ODA, Official Development Assistance)
Abdoulie Kurang Tourism for Development: Rethinking Development, Social Protection and the Wellbeing of Precarious Workers in the Gambia’s Tourism Sector.
Yan-Ho (Eric) Lai Working Title:
Resilient Professionalism under Authoritarianism: Building Professional Legal Culture and the Rule of Law in Post-colonial Hong Kong


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