BAPLAR: The Recordings
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The Old Babylonian Period (c. 1900-1500 BCE)
Ammi-Ditana’s Hymn to Ishtar
The Codex Hammurabi
The Epic of Gilgamesh, Old Babylonian Version, Tablet II
- Lines 1-38, read by Antoine Cavigneaux
- Lines 1-36, read by Stephanie Dalley
- Lines 1-239, read by Karl Hecker
- Lines 1-61, read by Jacob Klein
- Lines 85-111, read by Michael Streck
- Lines 1-47, read by Nathan Wasserman
- Lines 87-105, read by Aage Westenholz
The Epic of Gilgamesh, Old Babylonian Version, BM+VAT
The Epic of Gilgamesh, Old Babylonian Version, Tablet X
The Epic of Anzû, Old Babylonian Version, Tablet II
Atra-Hasīs, Old Babylonian Version, Tablet I
Diviner's Prayer to the Gods of the Night
Incantation for Dog Bite
Letter of Marduk-nāṣir to Ruttum (AbB III 15)
Letter of Kurkurtum to Erīb-Sîn (AbB XII 89)
Letter of Iddin-Sîn to Zinû (AbB XIV 165)
The First Millennium BC
The Epic of Gilgamesh, Standard Version, Tablet XI
- Lines 1-29, read by Stephanie Dalley
- Lines 1-163, read by Karl Hecker
- Lines 8-44, read by Victor Hurowitz
- Lines 1-34, read by Nathan Wasserman
- Lines 92-139, read by Martin West
The Babylonian Poem of the Righteous Sufferer (Ludlul bēl nēmeqi), Tablet II
- Lines 1-26, read by Antoine Cavigneaux
- Lines 1-46, read by Mario Fales
- Lines 1-26 and 56-82, read by Brigitte Groneberg
- Entire Tablet, read by Karl Hecker
- Lines 1-55, read by Margaret Jaques Cavigneaux
- Lines 1-55, read by Gebhard J. Selz
- Lines 1-33, read by Nathan Wasserman
The Babylonian Epic of Creation (Enūma elîš), Tablet I
Incantation for Tooth Worm
Ištar's Descent to the Netherworld
The Šamaš Hymn
The Poor Man of Nippur
The Poor Man of Nippur - World's first film in Babylonian