Letter of Marduk-nāṣir to Ruttum (AbB III 15), read by Wilfred van Soldt

The transcription below is based on the transliteration in Altbabylonische Briefe vol. 3.
Original Transcript | English Translation |
1-4 ana ruttum qibīma umma marduk-nāṣir-ma šamaš u marduk dāriš ūmī liballiṭūki | Say to Ruttum: thus (speaks) Marduk-nāṣir. May Šamaš and Marduk keep you in good health forever. |
5-7 še’um ša ibbašû ina sūt šamaš mahrīki lištanni-ma likkanik | The grain which has sprung up should be washed and sealed with the measure of (the) Shamash (temple). |
8-12 aššum babatim u ṣuhārātiša ṭarīdim kīma ištiššu ešrīšu aštapparakk[i]m ul tāpul[ī]n[n]i | As for sending Babatum and her slave girls, I wrote to you again and again, ten times for one, (but) you did not answer me. |
13-15 ibissâki tubta’’ilī appūna-ma ibissâm šani’am tassanahhurī | You kept on making too big a loss. Moreover, you keep on heading for another loss! |
16-19 babātim lagabītum-balassu u abī-libluṭ ṭurdīššināti-ma luddiš | Send me Babātum, Lagabītum and Abī-libluṭ, so I can start again. |
20-23 awâtuya māti īnki imahharā ina lā mitaggurīya [ibi]ssâm tubtana’’alī | When will my words please you? By never agreeing with me, you will keep on making too big a loss! |
24-26 ša aqabbûkim mugrīnni-ma awâtum lā ihhaṭṭiā | Agree with what I say to you, so that matters are not neglected! |
27-28 šumma haṭītam eppuš lā tamaggarīnni | If I suggest a crime, (then) disagree with me! |