Core values

Our core values
1. Promoting equality and celebrating diversity
SOAS is above all else an intimate, single community, one that celebrates diversity and is respectful and collegial. Our diverse population is one of our greatest strengths. Equality of opportunity is at the core of all SOAS activities.
2. Freedom of speech and tolerance
SOAS is committed to the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. This can only be conducted effectively in an atmosphere of open enquiry, mutual tolerance and intellectual freedom. In practice this means that we acknowledge the paramount importance of freedom of expression. However, freedom of expression may not be exercised to threaten the safety or freedom of expression of others.
3. Promoting cultural understanding
SOAS is committed to fostering broad cultural understanding in the UK and in the world at large.
4. Ethical standards
SOAS will maintain the highest ethical standards in all of its dealings and foster the values of openness, honesty, tolerance, fairness and responsibility in all areas.
5. Excellence
SOAS is committed to striving for excellence in all its activities.
6. Community
SOAS recognises that its greatest assets are its staff and students. We will strive to create an atmosphere of community, collegiality and cooperation for all staff and students.
7. Evaluation and self-reflection
SOAS believes that it must be honest with itself. We are committed to regular monitoring, evaluation and review of all our activities, procedures and processes.
8. Transparency and accountability
It is important that decisions within SOAS are consistent, are made on the basis of the best available evidence and that good quality information is shared widely with an emphasis on transparency. We aspire to exemplary standards of governance in all that we do.
9. Environment
SOAS will actively seek to embed good environmental practice at an institutional level and will demonstrate a firm commitment to reducing energy consumption.