Engaged humanities in Europe: Capacity building for participatory research in linguistic-cultural heritage (ENGHUM)

The ENGHUM project will implement an innovative scientific strategy and capacity building for the Faculty of Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw, in close cooperation with two partner institutions: the Department of Linguistics at SOAS, University of London and Leiden University’s Centre for Linguistics in the Faculty of Humanities and the Department of Archaeological Heritage and Society within the Faculty of Archaeology. The project is funded by a grant of 1 million euros from the EU Horizon2020 Twinning initiative. At SOAS, Professor Julia Sallabank is Principal Investigator and Professor Peter K Austin is co-Principal Investigator.
The cornerstone of the project is strong capacity-building in participatory action research, integrated transdisciplinary studies on language and culture, as well as selected aspects of applied linguistics related to language policy, multilingualism and teaching and revitalisation of minority languages. The implementation of the project will be made possible through the exchange of experience, knowledge and practical skills between the three collaborating partners.
The ENGHUM project will enhance the scientific capacity of all three institutions by engaging them in a defined set of activities, i.e. summer schools, field schools, staff exchanges, and workshops, leading to new research ideas and methodologies in the field of participatory action research in linguistic-cultural heritage and revitalization of endangered languages.
Project outcomes will include a dissemination workshop involving the project’s partners and leading European institutions, preparation of join grant proposals with the Twinning partners, high-impact joint publications, including multimedia publications, and a series of public communication events in Warsaw and London related to the ENGHUM project.