The Multimedia Yasna International Interoperability Framework

Images published digitally on the web are often locked up in silos in so far as different institutions use different image delivery software on their networks, one that would probably be tightly coupled with their custom metadata structures.
The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF, pronounced “Triple-Eye-Eff”) solves this problem by providing a set of protocols or Application Programming Interfaces (API), for requests between computers to allow images and metadata held in different digital repositories to be requested and accessed in a specified and standardised quality, size and format.
MUYA-IIIF will enable users to annotate textual structure in manuscript images and locate particular text passages within IIIF. This is achieved through the development of a IIIF compliant annotation tool and a search function enabling users to find and view in a single viewer a particular text passage in different manuscripts published in IIIF and held either within the same collection or in different collections. It will also be possible to view the image of a manuscript page alongside the transcription of the text it bears. Moreover, MUYA-IIIF will contribute to the publication of more manuscript images of Zoroastrian manuscripts in IIIF.
MUYA-IIIF site in use

European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept Grant, 2020–2023.