Department of Development Studies & Centre for Development, Environment and Policy

Dr Annabel de Frece

Key information

Department of Development Studies Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Development College of Development, Economics and Finance Deputy Dean (Teaching and Learning) Centre for Development, Environment and Policy Programme Convenor MSc Sustainable Development Food Studies Centre Member
BA (Hons) (SOAS), MSc (Imperial College), PhD (Imperial College)
Russell Square: College Buildings
Email address
Telephone number
+44(0)207 898 4760
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Please book using link in 'Biography' below


Annabel de Frece is a Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Development at SOAS University of London.

Annabel is a development sociologist with an academic background that straddles the social and natural sciences. Her interests centre around human/environment interactions, concerns of power and control of resources, and the way in which cultural, social and political systems converge to influence and impact livelihoods and environmental sustainability. Annabel has specific expertise in agriculture and development in West Africa and Latin America.

Annabel has nearly two decades of experience teaching and researching issues related to development, sustainable development, agriculture, gender and food systems. She has previously held positions in the Centre for Food Policy, City, Birkbeck and the Institute for the Study of the Americas (ISA) University of London. Annabel has conducted research in Mexico and Ghana and has worked with the University of Accra, Ghana, IPB University, Indonesia, and Makerere University, Uganda delivering interdisciplinary food systems education. She is PI (SOAS lead) for the 
Interdisciplinary Food Systems Teaching and Learning  (IFSTAL) programme.

Annabel also has a particular interest in education for sustainable development, sustainable food systems pedagogy and interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Annabel actively researches and publishes in this subject area. 

Annabel is programme convenor for the MSc Sustainable Development and convenes modules Understanding Sustainable Development, Urban Sustainability, Food Security and Social Protection.

Office hours

Research interests

  • Political ecology
  • Agriculture
  • Gender equality
  • Sustainable and equitable food systems
  • Education for sustainable development and interdisciplinary learning
