Dialogue with Award Winning Actor and Directors Juang Yi-tseng 莊益增 and Yen Lan-chuan 顏蘭權

Key information

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Russell Square: College Buildings

About this event

Juang Yi-tseng 莊益增 and Yen Lan-chuan 顏蘭權

About the Event

In this dialogue session these award winning documentary makers will discuss their careers in making documentary film in Taiwan. In addition, we will raise Juang Yi-tseng’s more recent experiences in acting in major Taiwanese feature films.

About the Directors: Yen Lan-chuan 顏蘭權 & Juang Yi-tseng 莊益增

Volunteers of Taiwan’s documentary movies. They have been filming documentaries since 921 Earthquake in 1999. They have gone through a lot, so they look older than they actually are. They have been feeling tired, but they never complain. They have been dreaming of retirement, but their wishes have never come true. All these years, they have learned to comfort themselves by using their good friend, Keng Da-wei’s words, “To live means to move!” Yen and Juang are known for their award-winning documentaries “Let It Be” and “Hand In Hand”. In the last few years Juang Yi-tseng has had a number of feature film acting roles, such as staring on the award winning The Great Buddha (2017), which is being screened in this year’s London East Asia Film Festival.

Organiser: Centre of Taiwan Studies

Contact email: lr27@soas.ac.uk