School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics & Japan and Korea section

Dr Owen Miller

Key information

School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Departmental Convenor of Research and Knowledge Exchange Centre of Korean Studies Chair
BA MA PhD (SOAS, London)
Russell Square: College Buildings
Email address
Telephone number
+44(0) 20 7898 4363


Owen initially studied East Asian history at SOAS as an undergraduate and subsequently lived in South Korea, where he studied Korean language at Yonsei University. 

He returned to SOAS in 2001 to study for an MA and then a PhD in Korean history, focusing on merchant guilds in late nineteenth century Seoul. Prior to coming to SOAS as a lecturer in Korean Studies, Owen worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Robinson College, University of Cambridge.

Current research interests include: the social and economic history of 19th and 20th century Korea; urban history; Korean nationalist and Marxist historiographies; the economic history of North Korea; and state formation in Northeast Asia.

Research interests

Current research interests include: the social and economic history of 19th and 20th century Korea; urban history; Korean nationalist and Marxist historiographies; the economic history of North Korea; and state formation in Northeast Asia.

PhD Supervision

Name Title
Yong Woo Cho Apartment of Korea and Japan : urban history and political aspects
Changwei Huo ‘Faithful Spirits’ who Cannot Rest in Peace: Japanese Overseas ‘Yasukuni Shrines’ in Pre- and Post-Second World War Mainland China and Taiwan
Chanhee Lee Crossing Emotions: Chosŏn Koreans’ Emotions and Emotional Practices towards Modern Society, 1876-1896
Yeonju Lee Korean New Religions and the Construction of Nationalism
Dr Iris Lim Experiencing the Digital Governance Immigration: a Qualitative Comparison of London and Seoul
Natalia Matveeva Building a new world: North and South Korean economic and political development strategies in the late 1950s - mid-1960s in the context of Cold War in East Asia (working title) 
Lucy Rose Waugh The Power and Influence Held by the Queen Dowager Regents of Nineteenth-Century Chosŏn Korea
Hyesook Yang Utopia, Nostalgia and Escapism: Art in South Korea during the Korean War, 1950-53


Contact Owen