Sara Stevano is a development and feminist political economist. She is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at SOAS University of London, after holding teaching and research positions at the University of the West of England, Bristol, and King’s College London.
Her areas of study are the political economy of work, food and nutrition, inequalities and social reproduction. Her work focuses on Africa, with primary research experience in Mozambique and Ghana. Sara is committed to expanding the boundaries of economic research and teaching through interdisciplinary approaches, qualitative methods and micro-macro bridges.
Sara is an Associate Editor for the Review of Social Economy. She has published in peer reviewed journals, such as Feminist Economics, the Cambridge Journal of Economics, Review of International Political Economy, World Development and the Journal of Development Studies.
Research interests
Social reproduction
Intersecting or co-constituted inequalities, work and employment
The Workplace at the Bottom of Global Supply Chains as a Site of Reproduction of Colonial Relations: Reflections on the Cashew-Processing Industry in Mozambique
Stevano, Sara, 2023, Gender, Work and Organization (30), 2, pp 496-509
COVID-19 and Crises of Capitalism: Intensifying Inequalities and Global Responses
Stevano, Sara, Franz, Tobias, Dafermos, Yannis and Van Waeyenberge, Elisa, 2021, Canadian Journal of Development Studies /Revue canadienne d’études du développement (42), 1/2, pp 1-17
3rd Annual Conference of the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), Developing methods in agriculture and health research, London, 13-14 June 2013
Harris, Jody, Bruce, Mieghan, Cavatorta, Elisa, Cornelsen, Laura, Häsler, Barbara, Green, Rosemary, Morgan, E. H., Stevano, Sara, Walls, Helen and Cunninghan, K, 2013, Food Security (5), 6, pp 887-894
Feminist global political economies of work and social reproduction
Mezzadri, Alessandra, (eds.), Newman, Susan, (eds.) and Stevano, Sara, (eds.) (2022). Abingdon: Taylor and Francis. (Review of International Political Economy, vol. 29, no.6)
Women Processing Cashew Nut: Reflections on Work, Investment and Gender in the Province of Cabo Delgado.
Stevano, Sara (2015). In: Castel-Branco, Carlos Nuno, (eds.), Massingue, N., (eds.) and Muianga, C., (eds.), Questions on productive development in Mozambique : background papers for the Danida project, 'Advocacy and Research for Private-Sector Business Development Programme' (PSBDP 2011-2015), coordinated by the Business Environment Fund (FAN). Maputo, Mozambique: IESE, pp 232-250
Agriculture, Gendered Time Use, and Nutritional Outcomes: A Systematic Review
Johnston, Deborah, Stevano, Sara, Malapit, Hazel, Hull, Elizabeth and Kadiyala, Suneetha (2015). Washington, DC: (International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Discussion Paper, no. 01456)